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Win a Home Orchard Contest!

Congratulations to Willow and Candy of Brockville who won the first giveaways!

Our first giveaway has concluded, you can read the details below. we are partnering with other local businesses for a bigger giveaway. sign up for the newsletter to learn about it. The email should come out in late winter for a Spring Giveaway.

Email Expectations:

You will receive 2-4 emails per year at most. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe link at the bottom winner will be announced by email on October 1st. Most emails will include additional contests/giveaways.


Prize from the first Giveaway:

-A One hour permaculture design consultation ($150 value)

-Up to 6 young fruit/nut trees delivered to your door

-500g jar of honey produced by bees rescued by our bee rescue. 



Prizes expected for the spring giveaway:

-$750 Permaculture Design credit (a small, detailed design, or a large rough plan)

-Home food forest (up to: 6 fruit/nut trees, 12 fruit/nut bushes, and 60 herbs)

-A dried flower arrangement

-A flower delivery subscription (dependent on location)

-Veggie Box


Subscribe to Our Newsletter to Enter

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